Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Well another year has past…2006 has come to a close and a new year awaits me…a new year, a new attitude, a new spirit…

Some things the Lord has shown me this past year…some things I have learned and some things I am thankful for…

Over the past 3 months I have learned what it means to be lonely

I have learned how I work when I am unclear of the expectations, obligations and responsibilities

I have learned once again that I am such an honest and open person

My love for people and relationships has been reaffirmed

I have learned that home truly is where the heart is…where my family and friends are

I have learned there really is no place like home

I have realized that I had expectations for God and for this job that I didn’t realize I had expectations for…and my expectations and plans are not necessarily the Lord’s

The Lord has shown me my true character

He has shown me what this year could be like with Him and without Him…I could go through this year whining about how lonely I am and selfishly declare no one is paying attention to me and no one is intentional with me OR I could humble myself, step out in faith and truly trust the Lord to fill that loneliness with true relationships

He has confirmed that I am a natural encourager but that I also yearn for others to encourage me

He has shown me that I LOVE children more than I ever thought I could

He is constantly reminding me that even if other people can’t pronounce my name…He can

He has shown me the true power of prayer and my love for prayer

I have had the opportunity to truly feel the Holy spirit move in me more in the last 4 months than in ALL my life…

I have realized that attitude is everything and I truly am so blessed and a negative attitude will get us nowhere

I hope and pray that this next year the Lord will continue strengthening my faith and my character, molding me, shaping me, allowing me to see the importance of a church community, humbling me, softening my heart, giving me patience and a love for life and people I never knew existed!!

1 comment:

huysmantrophy said...

even if others can't pronounce my name, HE CAN... that is so wonderful Malia. I love it :)