Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Memories in the making...

Soo..let’s see, where to start? Well it has been AGES I feel since I last wrote…and I havn’t had any life changing moments, but I have had some memorable ones…to name a few highlights…

·Bekah came to visit…YAY for friends, esp. Bekah, who love to visit you when you are living in far off places…it was soo wonderful to be able to share a bit of my life with someone from home

·Bekah and I did a 3-day south tour of Ireland via a tour bus, which came with an interesting bus driver named Phil…

·Bekah and I were able to see the Cliffs of Mohr and Giants Causeway

·First Christmas in Belfast with Bekah and Peter’s family…Christmas crackers and Christmas shopping and Jesus and Christmas presents…and family and the yearning for my own

·Great conversations with such a dear friend and a longing for more…

·New Years with some very special people in the magical city of Paris…

·Seeing the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and the Mona Lisa…

·Racing to the airport, going the wrong way on the metro and Peter losing his wallet in all the mess….

·HOWEVER, despite missing our flight and the loss of the wallet…being in Nice with my wonderful boyfriend Peter and the feeling of SUNSHINE on my skin was truly glorious!

All in all…I had an amazing 3 weeks off from work, and now it is my second day back to work, and I truly feel so grateful for the time away, for the opportunity to travel…but I am so very thankful that I am here…in Ireland, and having the experience I am having. However, I really do miss my family and friends and I was reminded of this over the holiday season, and I am counting down the days till I have my next visitor..MY SISTER!!

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