Friday, February 23, 2007


Okay so it has been AGES since i last wrote...i know i for those people who check my blog regularly...which i know is all of you right?? sincerest apologies!…

Soo lets see …what has been keeping me busy?..well for some of you who have NO idea what it is that I even do with my days I figured I would post my weekly schedule on here…


Mondays – morning prayer with staff, some bible reading and then ARGENTINA..ARGENTINA…ARGENTINA

Tuesdays – baby and toddler group, which is so great…so that involves set up of ALL the toys and clean up of ALL the toys, and play time, coffee and toast in between all that!, intern meeting at my new house! (I will post pictures soon) and then more ARGENTINA, ARGENTINA, ARGENTINA, and then Tuesday nights we have the NET which is our college group..

Wednesdays – morning prayer, normally a fairly less hectic day, I could do visits to people in the church, but normally my days consist of more administration stuff, printing things, making fliers, and planning events…right now its an event for St Patricks Day, and finalizing all the fundraisers for once again…ARGENTINA

Thursdays – student lunches for 500 students…consists of soup, hot dogs, fruit, coffee/tea, biscuits…pretty much amazing..but it’s a LONG ordeal!…set up at 10:30 and finishes about 2:30..why don’t we have these in the states?..that’s what im wondering!, and then Thursdays consist of reading for Discipleship course and then that night we have a Discipleship course, which basically entails a meal together and going through bits in the bible, basically a bible study..

Fridays – intern bible study in the morning till early afternoon, prep for youth club or for Argentina meetings…OR Sunday school prep, Youth Club that night till 10

Saturdays – NORMALLY my days off but sometimes my days off are Wednesdays depending on if we have an Argentina fundraiser that day…

Sundays – Church in the morning and Sunday school…and lunch with peter’s family or someone in the church and then Church again that night…for some reason they have TWO services…two DIFFERENT services ..why do they do that?…I don’t know…but starting this Sunday we are running a if you have any books you want to get rid of..just send them to Belfast!…that’s another thing I have been organizing!

So that’s me…feel as though I am leaving things out, but basically my life and my days are filled with Argentina stuff…and for those of you who do not know..well I am leading a mission trip to Northern Argentina this summer for two weeks…and all the planning and fundraising for it has been such an experience already. Let me tell you, I have soo much more respect for mission trip planners!

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