Sunday, January 4, 2009

School...School and more Schoool

So as I said before my first term of school finished the beginning of December and starts back up this week. So let's just say praise the Lord that I feel so very at peace about this program or else id probably walk away because graduate school sure is expensive!! But it is soo very worth it. I was just telling my mom a week or so ago that I love school. I mean I truly absolutely LOVE school! I always have, but I love my program...the only thing I would love even more is if I was JUST going to school and not working full time as well because let me tell you it is HARD. But then I think, I have always worked while going to school...the only time I wasn't working and goin to school was when I was in Mexico, which was such a blissful experience for me and I often wonder WHY? Perhaps it was because I was just studying, READING and WRITING, learning, asking hard questions, challenging myself and developing relationships, and doing all this on the beach didn't hurt. Life doesn't get much better than that...for me at least!

Now I am left to think that I only have 3 more terms left and one more year. It is going to go SOO fast and then what?? grandma keeps asking me what I am going to do when I am finished and I keep giving her the same answer "I don't know" becuase I truly do not know. And the tough part is being okay with that uncertainty...and allowing the peace of the Lord to wash over me through those moments. The truth is...i love my program, but it doesn't provide you with a clear direction. however, I find freedom and joy in that...

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