Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Power of the Tongue…

So I have recently been thinking about all the thoughts and feelings of resentment I have been storing up in my heart and holding onto rather than giving them back to the Lord to reconcile and deal with…

And recently at one of our courses Derek (pastor) talked about forgiving people for the things they have said or done because you truly feel sorry for them…and I just thought do you tell people in positions of high spiritual leadership how you feel about them?…that you feel at times they aren’t living up to Christ’s expectations or standards for them?

And we talked about the verse in Colossians that says my life is hidden with Christ in God…my life is hidden with Christ in God…just felt slightly convicted that night over my tongue and my thoughts. I just feel resentful towards certain leaders and it serves to overshadow over everything else…such as my love for them and it covers my ability to see the goodness in them. I just realize the true impact of the tongue and I pray people really think about things before they speak …what you say has the ability to truly wound or uplift a person. I say choose the uplifting, even if it is something they don’t want to hear or is hard to hear you can do it/say it gently and with love…
Encouragement and support are what really get people excited. Words of encouragement go a LONG ways...encourage daily

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