Monday, February 26, 2007


Soo…recently …as in this past week I have been longing for Mexico…for the sun, the beach, the sand beneath my toes, the pool, the water, the friends!!!, the strawberry/banana daquiris, my hammock, the feeling of the sun on my skin, sweating!, studying, reading, learning…karaoke (keep in mind …not necessarily in this order!) and I could truly go on and on…but don’t worry I wont! I am just soo thankful for that experience…for all of my experiences really. So thankful for the people that I met there..esp hong and Manuel. So I started thinking about my time in mexico all over again because manuel was asked if he wanted to go back…and I instantly thought why can’t I go back? Why didn’t they ask me?..haha…I mean I know its not an option, but STILL!! And I said to him…well I don’t know if you should go it wouldn’t be the same…and it’s just not fair…but then after I realy thought about it…I thought YES he should go..for ME!…and its been almost a year since I left for Mexico. I truly can’t believe time has gone by that fast…and when I think back to a year ago …Peter and I had gone on a few dates, and my heart was finally healing from my last relationship, but I was soo reluctant to go because Mexico wasn’t my place, it was Nate’s (old boyfriend) and I didn’t want people to think I was going because of him..i didn’t want him to think I was going because of him…once again a pride thing…starting to realize this pride thing is a reoccurring issue!

And when I look back on it now it was such an amazing experience for me and it was just at the right time…I remember applying to study abroad in India the year before with Sarah, and I didn’t get accepted to the program, but I knew it would be a terrible fit for me…and then when I applied to the Mexico program that next December I knew it was where I was to go…all my passions rolled into one, and it was such a good fit for me, and I truly had waited for the right program…I had always wanted to study abroad, but the timing and the program never seemed quite right. So finally during my final year at university and my last semester I decided to go for it…and it was amazing…and I just truly feel like the Lord closed a door with India, but then opened a door for me to walk through with Mexico

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