Tuesday, October 31, 2006


So I just got back from the cinema...and Peter and I saw World Trade Center...its been out for about a month here and I am just getting around to see it...figured he and I would be like the only ones in the theater..but I was wrong...

After the film I just thought…this happened in MY country…those of you Irish folk in here just don’t really understand…but then I think do I even understand??…I never saw New York and the world trade center before September 11..will it really look any different to me after September 11?…

For those of you who have not seen the film…I wont ruin it…but it basically follows the experience of 2 police officers who were trapped in the rubble after the World Trade center collapsed….and it also shows the family and all that they went through…the anxiety..the waiting….the emotions…

But I think the thing that really got me was in one scene they have a wall that is filled of missing posters….with photos on them like any missing poster right?..and I just thought…gosh…I can’t imagine having a mother or father…son or daughter who was there on site that day…who disappeared..who was declared missing because he or she was never found…what kind of closure would that person have??…I mean wouldn’t you always wonder…how did they die??..were they too caught under all the debris..and if only we could have searched more…maybe..just maybe we would have found them…did they die waiting…just waiting to be rescued..or was it instant?…

At the end of the movie…it said that over 2,000 people died due to this tragedy..and that people from 87 countries were involved in the tragedy….can't remember if it said people from 87 countries died…or what it was…but I just thought…gosh it was such an international thing…so who am I to say..it happened to MY country…you don’t really understand…you are looking at it with distant eyes…but then I think..so am I…

And it’s been 5 years since THE September 11th….wild isn’t it??…during that time I have moved out of my parents house…survived living in a sorority….graduated from university…said so many hellos and even more goodbyes…moved to Ireland…met peter…soooooooo many things have happened during that time…yet I will never forget where I was on the 11th of September, 2001….where were you??…I can’t remember where I was when anything else has happened in my country…or in the world…cant remember where I was during Hurricane Katrina…or if I even thought about it really?…or the Tsunami that affected So many places…or the many earthquakes and all the other natural disasters…but 9/11 will forever be etched in my heart…but yet life went on…right??…

Remember these are my thoughts and many of you may have been affected differently from 9/11...but really think about it...how much did your life change afterwards?

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