Sunday, January 4, 2009

Its Been FAR too long!

I didn't realize it had been soo long since I last wrote until I looked on here and saw just how long it had been...AUGUST....AUGUST! its a little outrageous if you ask me. Plus, people have been telling me I need to post something for the past few months and they are tired of going to my page and seeing that nothing has changed...that the copy and paste description of my school program really isn't all that interesting after you have read it 3 times.

So it has been months, and in those months I have fallen even more in love with Peter, realized I really need to start serving the Lord in some way, completed my first term of graduate school, started sunday dinners with the family, played in the incredible snow by building a snowman, and skiing, found THE wedding dress, read some really great books such as the Lexus and the Olive Tree and What is the What...and soo many more, and watched history being made by the election of Barack Obama...the list could go on, but ill stop there for now!

So friends, Malia is back...I have decided that writing is soo very therapeautic to me and I really need to do it more often. However, I find that it is easy to forget your passions and the things you love when they are soo time consuming or you would rather just remember them and not necessarily write about them. But for me, I find so much joy in the process....soo life is a journey and i invite you to walk with me through that journey and i apologize now for the overwhelming amount of posts!

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