Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back to the Shack...

still have soo many pages to go it seems, but one conversation in the book really grabbed my attention and I wanted to put it on here...its a conversation between Mackenzie, the main character and Sarayu, who is the Holy spirit. So it starts like this...

Sarayu: i will always be with you, whether you sense my presence or not.

Mack: I know that now, but how will I hear you?

Sarayu: You will learn to hear my thoughts in yours, Mackenzie

Mack: Will it be clear? What if I confuse you with another voice? What if I make mistakes?

Sarayu: Of course you will make mistakes; everybody makes mistakes, but you will begin to better recognize my voice as you continue to grow our relationship.


So the verdict is still out on how I feel about this book, BUT this conversation is a conversation I have had with the Holy Spirit soo many times. I feel called to do something or to make a certain decision and I just think...am i making the right one? What if i make a mistake? Is this my desire or the Lords desire?...and is my desire the Lords desire and is the Lords desire mine? It sounds like a jumbled mess and much more complicated than it should be.

How will I hear you Mack asks...will your voice be clear? There is nothing more beautiful than the whisper of the Holy Spirit and there is nothing more simple than listening to it. And it is soo true, you do begin to better recognize the voice the closer you grow in your relationship. all one has to do is open their heart and actually listen, which I think is the most difficult thing sometimes....taking the time to truly listen to the whisper of the Holy spirit.

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