Friday, July 4, 2008

Simple Pleasures...

I don't quite know where to start to be fair...and my eyes are starting to water as I type this. But I must continue to press on...there is this lady who always walks by my work at least 2 times a day. We have built a relationship in the past few months whereby she always...ALWAYS waves when she walks by. I always try to beat her to it, but more often than not she is much quicker than I am to initiate that small intimacy of a wave. Her eyes smile at me, and I smile back. Yesterday as I was out watering this ONE plant we have outside...our paths crossed. I smiled big at her and the conversation went something like this...

Me: are you? (with ALOT of enthuisasm)
lady: I am good...just going for my daily walk
Me: thats great...whats your name by the way..
Lady: It's Bird (extending her hand for me to shake it)..
Me: (still with aLOT of enthusiasm) ...well Bird my names Malia
Bird: have you been out of town or something?
Me: Yeah in fact I have...I was in Ireland for 3 weeks..
Bird: do you have family there or something?
Me: Well actually I lived there last year and my boyfriend...I mean fiance is from there. What about you Bird...are you from around here?
Bird: Actually I am from Montreal...was in the air force for awhile and moved around a bit, and now I am here.
Me: Where exactly do you live?
Bird: Just down on Albion street in a home...I am unemployed...and like to go for walks a few times a what are you doing for the 4th of July?
Me: going home to my parents house and celebrating with family...what about you?
Bird: oh..we are just having a BBQ
ME: (said soo very reluctantly)...well it was SOO nice to meet you finally, but I should probably go back inside and get some work done!!

So...the conversation lasted all but a few minutes, but day was made and I went back to work with a HUGE smile on my face and my heart was overflowing with joy. So much more was said, but it's not my gifting to remember all the details, just the important bits. i just felt like so much was accomplished that day...I FINALLY knew the woman's name, and I had made a new friend...and my love for people was confirmed.


Riley said...

I'm so glad you finally met her! I waved to her while you were gone... oh Bird. Malia, you're wonderful. Give Bird a wave for me.

Weisman said...

I came up with an idea for a play one time about a sparrow that had been turned into a woman, who went by Bird, or Birdie. The main character of the play is a middle-aged career woman who is dissatisfied in her marriage and her life as a whole... She meets Bird on the street, and they strike up a conversation. Bird functions on the understanding that life is as simple as Jesus described it when He said, "If I take care of the sparrows, how much more will I take care of you?" Bird doesn't have a "home," per se, and she doesn't live in a traditional manner, but she's satisfied, and happy-- she trusts that she'll be taken care of, and helps people in her small ways. The developing relationship between Bird and the main character is the meat of the play.

Maybe that's her. :)