Tuesday, February 5, 2008


So I just started reading this book called Not on Our watch. I must say at first glance I was slightly skeptical...I mean the star of the film Hotel Rwanda joining with a human rights activist to write a book? But then you look at the cover of the book and the eyes of that child and you are captivated. I must say I am only about 50 pages into the book and it has already captured me.

Both of the authors discuss their journey to where they are now...and in the book John Prendergast mentions a time where someone questioned why he does what he does? Why does he put his life at stake ...why does he care so much to risk his own life? And he responded by saying he does what he does because he is angry and he can't accept that we just stand idly by while entire peoples are being extinguished because of the actions and advantage of a few people. He said..."Every time I think I will walk away from this and become a sportswriter, focusing on my beloved Kansas City Chiefs, I see something like this and it just flames me up again. I am doomed to do this for as long as I live."

Anger...what is it that gets you ANGRY?? What makes your blood pressure rise?....just something I have been thinking about lately ...genocide makes me angry...and the lack of knowledge about the situation in Darfur makes me angry...so where do I go from here?

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