Friday, December 1, 2006


So the rumors are true...I am in the states and have been for a few days i apologize to all of those i didn't get the chance to see...

Anyhow, it was soo very last minute and i was only there for a week..but my dad decided it would be a brilliant idea to fly me home for my mom's birthday which was yesterday...and completely surprise everyone!! So I must say i am terrible at keeping secrets and i hate surprises as does my mother, but i think we both could she hate this one, right? I mean her daughter is coming home for see her...soo..i bought my ticket last tuesday and arrived in Seattle that next flight was delayed a few hours, so the anxiety just increased!

But before i go into detail about the surprises and everything...I am realizing that I feel torn...torn between two different countries and two different worlds, and i life is in life isn't here any more...and then i long must you live somewhere else before youtruly start to feel "at home"? ..and when i was going through immigration the guy asked how my vacation was...and i just thought i would spare him all the details..but i thought to myself...this is my vacation..coming back to the states is my vacation...i actually LIVE somewhere else and will live somewhere else for who knows how much longer...

just such an interesting thought...and soo many people have asked me how Belfast tell me whats your favorite thing? you love it there as much as you thought you would? What is it that you love ..what are you doing there exactly? so tell me about this boyfriend...(i must say thats the easiest one to answer...i think after awhile they are hoping i would just shut up!!) when are you coming home?..plans for next year?..

and after soo many questions i find that i start to shut down...or i start to anticipate them..and by the time i leave i will have actual answers to their questions..unfortunately they come AFTER the conversation has ended....

but i know ...i love living in a different country, i love being away from all that i am familiar with, i love reading books and NOT watching tv and taking advantage of EVERY free moment i have...i love experiencing a different culture and the flexibility that i do have in my job....while here i am on vacation right? I have watched a few too many movies..(only like 2, but STILL!..and i have been on the phone way too much!)...but its good...i am extremely tired, but i just think its because of the major time difference and i am not here long enough to really adjust to the difference...


1 comment:

peterdrennan said...

red ink M? not so sure about it gotta be you have changed your flight home to sunday instead of monday? thats awesome