Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Soo....i have been here for almost 3 months now, and it wasn’t until last night when I truly realized why it was that I am even here…maybe the entire reason has not been revealed to me..but I have received a glimpse of it all….

So Sunday night church was amazing last night…the Lord’s presence permeated throughout the room…and I was truly brought to tears….peter turned to me a few times to ask if I was okay..and I just declared…I AM…I really am good! I was just reminded of the Lord’s promise to me…that HE is always with me…and I was just reminded of His faithfulness, and all the ways he has walked with me, beside me, in front of me, and behind me… through the years. And I just thought about all the people the Lord has used these past few years to bring me closer to Him..about all the situations…how he has turned everything into good for His use! I was reminded of the Inn, and the Christian community I found there…I was reminded of the Lord’s patience and how promising a future is with Him. I was reminded of the four years in the sorority..and all the trying times those years…but He put people in my life to encourage me..and you know who you are! …so this year is a year of reflection..a year to truly stop and think about God’s faithfulness and to continually rely on Him to rejuvenate me…

Last night I also realized that my relationship with peter is such a gift…and the Lord wants us to improve it and not taint it…I truly hear Him saying to me..I gave this gift to you..blossom your faith and your love for each other through me…

And I think..the Lord truly has blessed us and how are we blessing Him?..and how are we using this blessing to bless each other and others? How much credit do we really give to God for bringing us together?..we really should be using our story as a testimony of His faithfulness to others…and I know that peter and I both give glory to God for bringing us together, and the Lord is mentioned most of the time when we tell people about how we met…but is He mentioned ALL the time?..do we always give Him the credit?

So those are my thoughts…but they don’t stop there..so I was also thinking…living for ourselves is truly soo boring and unfulfilling..why do we take Christ’s death for granted? And treat it like its just a casual thing?..i mean truly why are we here?…don’t you ever wonder what the answer is to that question?

But even though I know this is such a meaningful year for me…it doesn’t mean I don’t get homesick…I sometimes feel as though I am missing memories back home..and I know I am…but its hard feeling as though you are missing the big moments in people’s lives…but it just makes me truly appreciate the phone conversations, the emails, the packages…EVERYTHING all the more…

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