Tuesday, August 8, 2006

soo...i leave in 6 days and to be quite honest it seems rather surreal to me! I mean am i really leaving? People have started asking me if I am ready to leave...and I just ask them well what does it mean to be ready?? And then i think...no really what does it mean to be ready to leave a place and enter into a new place? Is a person ever fully ready? I think my biggest dilemma is what the heck do i pack??..i mean i have never had to pack for multiple seasons and in Ireland you get a glimpse of every season in just one day! So then im like what clothes do i pack..do i bring my favorite books, what about pictures?..and shoes, and jackets?...what do i leave and what do i bring? and then of course my mom reminds me..that i wont be out in the boonies, I will have an address and she can send me things...she said a few days ago.."malia you are soo excited to go arnt you?"..and i just thought..i am but how do i really say that to you mom? I just went on to say that truly...i will miss my mother the most because she has NO Idea how to operate a computer and email..so then the phone will be our only form of communication..and its just soo expensive... anyhow..dont get me wrong..i am sad to leave this place..i love seattle soo much! but the time is coming for me to say goodbye to seattle and washington..and all those amazing people that live here...i truly feel as though a whole new world awaits me in Ireland...and I am excited to be challenged...excited to stretch myself...okay bye for now!

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