Thursday, August 31, 2006


So another blog entry...and another few days…and let’s see ..where did I leave off last time…so this past week has truly made me think about soooo many things…and yes my mind is always racing and im always asking questions…but this week was full of many interesting moments…soo many thoughts have been running through my head and I have been trying to chase them around so that I can get them down on paper or in the computer…

So..the situation here is best compared to racism in the U.S…between blacks and whites…here however the issue is between religious groups…between Protestants and Catholics. The Protestants sympathize with the British, whereas the Catholics sympathize with the Irish…the two groups are segregated simply based on the religion they identify with. I am currently reading this book called Precarious Belonging by a man called John Dunlop, a book I found amongst ALL the books in the Drennan’s library, and he states “our society is scared by a divided church. Since the 17th century, religion has become the key marker in Irish identity”. And the thing is…it’s soo very true, neighborhoods are identified as Catholic or Protestant…schools are catholic or protestant…you interact with people of the same religious affiliation…thus resulting in extreme segregation. And being an outsider…I understand that this has been going on for years and this is just how it is right? But its difficult for me to accept that those people who claim to be Christians..who claim to truly be following after Christs heart are the same people who are advising us to stay away from certain areas because of the assumptions they have made about the people living there…

Umm...on Tuesday Laura and I made dinner for Jack and Gillian (peters parents) was rather romantic…and I think they enjoyed themselves..but while we were waiting for them we figured we would open up the bottle of wine we had bought for them ..just to try it..i mean we don’t want to give them anything terrible right? we had to taste it ourselves! So while sitting out on the front steps, with a glass of wine in our hands, we got on the topic of our churches…and identity! Interesting topics right? Well…Laura and I will be working in two separate areas of Belfast…soo close yet soo far..and soo very different…so I asked peter to compile a short list for me

So this is the list…

Fisherwick Vs. Crumlin Road

• 2 parents at home / single parent homes
• high academic demands / few people continue onto Uni
• grammar school / public school
(aka private schools)
• middle class (money) / on the streets more
• play rugby, hockey / football (soccer for us AMericans)
• church tradition aggression
• accent differs / bling-gigantic, goldnecklaces
• vacations abroad / more polarized

Talked to peters dad Jack ages ago..about the division between the UVF and the UDA both loyalist groups…and the thing is since the IRA ceasefire, UDA and UVF have no one to fight so they fight within their faction, and about the stereotypes and where do you start with changing those stereotypes and stopping those stereotypes before they even begin? It starts with the parents…but the thing is..this hatred is generational. Just being here makes me soo excited to learn more about the people and the struggles and joys that people experience here…

When do things change? ..when do children change from being naïve to becoming very aware of the differences between the communities and the religions…and Peter’s dad told me about a great comment peter made when he was young…. “Dad the wee boy next door said we are protestant..we aren’t though ..sure we’re not!?” the naivety at such a young age..when do things change? it the responsibility of the parent to change those views of the children…to create neutral attitudes and environments?..or is it the responsibility of the church?..the schools?..mentors or ALL of the above….as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ is it not our responsibility to love all people equally…to treat everyone the same ..with the same humanity and the same basic rights…to go out of our way to stop the development of stop the stop the judgements….

Soo many thoughts…soo much to be done here..laura and I have even spoken of linking the kids at Crumlin road and that community with the college kids or older kids at Fisherwick..the communities need to be connected someway somehow…unite them and allow them to come together on the common ground..for the same reasons…

Is it naïve for me to think that a difference could be made in this community? I think it is naïve for me think that I alone can make a difference….I think its realistic to say that if God is at the center of my heart and if he is at the center of my motives..then if I am walking alongside him..and he alongside me..then together we can make a difference…He can use me as his tool…as his weapon in this community..

I know it is much easier said than done…but we must not be passive here…peter has soo many brilliant ideas..and im soo excited to see hwo they play out and to be apart of them all..wonder what area ill be working in at the church…and even if youth or college students arent my area…I hope I can help out..or at least provide people with ideas and interests…and I am just constantly amazed here….the kids I met two years ago..remember me…I have a year here to make a stamp on these kids hearts all in the name of the Lord….this is an unbelievable opportunity!

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